Donate and help the cause

Please read before donating

We are using a system that has set a 'tip' by default. Unfortunately, we are not able to turn this off. However, you are able to do so yourself.

  • Before pressing the 'Donate' button, you see a percentage. Switch that to 'Other'.
  • Change the amount to '€0,00'.
Now you will only pay the donation and a small payment fee.

Thank you for your donation!

You can donate to the Mathare Girl Power Project with the form on the right side. It is also possible to make a direct transfer to the bank. If you would like to make a donation to our project you can donate to this IBAN number: NL97 RABO 0313 0268 15 under the name of Stichting Mathare Girl Power.

We are a registered charity, registered with kvk number 65030249.

We are an ANBI registered charity. Our number is 855953263.